👑 Ranking de los Top 200 Servidores de Lineage 2
🍿 Explora nuestro ranking de los mejores servidores de Lineage 2, compilado en base a opiniones de jugadores y calidad del gameplay. Encuentra servidores para PvP, PvE o con las rates que prefieras.
💎 Aquí encontrarás anuncios de los servidores de Lineage 2 que forman parte del top 200. Infórmate sobre próximos lanzamientos, rates, crónicas y características de cada proyecto. Elige el servidor que mejor se adapte a tu estilo de juego.
HOJE - 14 Marzo / Viernes
ONTEM - 13 Marzo / Jueves
🍿 Explora nuestro ranking de los mejores servidores de Lineage 2, compilado en base a opiniones de jugadores y calidad del gameplay. Encuentra servidores para PvP, PvE o con las rates que prefieras.
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LINEAGE2.ONE Playing on the LINEAGE2.ONE server with x1 rates offers a unique experience for fans of classic Lineage 2. The server launch is scheduled for February 15, 2025, at 5:00 PM.
Playing on the LINEAGE2.ONE server with x1 rates offers a unique experience for fans of classic Lineage 2. The server launch is scheduled for February 15, 2025, at 5:00 PM.
L2 3X INTERLUDE SERVER BR Projeto novo interlude, todas as rates 3x, sem donate, sem vip, all retail. Não perca a oportunidade de resgatar a nostalgia do bom e velho Lineage 2!
Projeto novo interlude, todas as rates 3x, sem donate, sem vip, all retail. Não perca a oportunidade de resgatar a nostalgia do bom e velho Lineage 2!
L2 Trivium PvP Server Server With Classic Client - Best Graphics. The best Balance, the 100% perfect server. Test and you will love it!
Server With Classic Client - Best Graphics. The best Balance, the 100% perfect server. Test and you will love it!
SevenKingdoms Exp x25 Sp x25 Party Rates: x2 Adena x25 Drop x25 Spoil x25 Cronica Shield of Kingdom
Exp x25 Sp x25 Party Rates: x2 Adena x25 Drop x25 Spoil x25 Cronica Shield of Kingdom
L2 Logo-Faction Interlude PvP Server After many hours of hard work, we are proudly presenting L2Logo Faction that will launch this year, on Friday 1st of March and time 20:00 GMT+2! As a needle in a haystack we will not give up our hope and we will give all our effort to improve and advertise our project to the max! We are excpecting more than 200 Players Online!
After many hours of hard work, we are proudly presenting L2Logo Faction that will launch this year, on Friday 1st of March and time 20:00 GMT+2! As a needle in a haystack we will not give up our hope and we will give all our effort to improve and advertise our project to the max! We are excpecting more than 200 Players Online!
L2BIONIC International INTERLUDE SERVERS #1 in World. Auto Farm, 3000+ ONLINE, Interlude Servers, Balanced Classes and PvP, Unique systems, Updates. We are waiting you!
#1 in World. Auto Farm, 3000+ ONLINE, Interlude Servers, Balanced Classes and PvP, Unique systems, Updates. We are waiting you!
★ LEADER – [LINEAGE2SECRET] – START TODAY! Interlude with Auto-Farm, Updates, 5.000+ ONLINE - the best servers in the world.
Interlude with Auto-Farm, Updates, 5.000+ ONLINE - the best servers in the world.
★ LINEAGE2WIKI - BEST INTERLUDE SERVERS ★ The best Lineage 2 Interlude servers with Auto-Farm, Updates, 3k online, never wipes
The best Lineage 2 Interlude servers with Auto-Farm, Updates, 3k online, never wipes
BESTWORLD - ONLINE 3000+ | INTERLUDE - AUTO-FARM 🍥 Interlude servers. Auto-Farm, never wipes, updates. 5k online, just try
🍥 Interlude servers. Auto-Farm, never wipes, updates. 5k online, just try
★ L2ANGEL - INTERLUDE - AUTO-FARM ★ Interlude Servers | Auto-Farm | Updates | Never Wipes |Events - Made with love ❤️
Interlude Servers | Auto-Farm | Updates | Never Wipes |Events - Made with love ❤️
👑 BIGGEST LINEAGE 2 INTERLUDE SERVERS 👑 Biggest Lineage 2 Interlude private server with more 3 000 ppl online on - Rates from x1 to x100000 - Best Support, Never Wipes, join
Biggest Lineage 2 Interlude private server with more 3 000 ppl online on - Rates from x1 to x100000 - Best Support, Never Wipes, join
💎 L2SERVERS.NET 💎 INTERLUDE 💎 AUTO-FARM 💎 Are you ready to play on the best Lineage 2 servers?
Are you ready to play on the best Lineage 2 servers?
WELCOME LINEAGE 2 INTERLUDE PLAYERS Ready to break into the world of Lineage 2? - Try one of our servers just once
Ready to break into the world of Lineage 2? - Try one of our servers just once
★ L2TOP.CC - #1 in World Number 1 in the world, nothing more to add
🔥 L2TOXIC INTERLUDE SERVERS 🔥 AUTO-FARM Premier Interlude servers, Olympiad Official +6. Balanced Classes, Constant PvP, Events, Auto-Farm. Best Ping. Players from all over the world
Premier Interlude servers, Olympiad Official +6. Balanced Classes, Constant PvP, Events, Auto-Farm. Best Ping. Players from all over the world
★ L2WARLAND - NEW LINEAGE 2 Play Lineage 2 on L2Warland at your own pace. You will meet the administration that develops the project, a caring support team and a great players community.
Play Lineage 2 on L2Warland at your own pace. You will meet the administration that develops the project, a caring support team and a great players community.
Lineage 2 sigue siendo uno de los MMORPG más populares del mundo, atrayendo a millones de jugadores con su mecánica única, variedad de crónicas y emocionantes batallas PvP. En la página "Top 200 Servidores de Lineage 2" encontrarás los mejores proyectos de juego, garantizando experiencias emocionantes e inolvidables.
Nuestra lista incluye servidores para todos los gustos: desde el clásico Interlude hasta los modernos Essence y Grand Crusade. Utiliza nuestro sistema de filtros para encontrar rápidamente servidores según tus preferencias: rates, crónicas, fechas de apertura y estilo de juego.
Todos los servidores presentados pasan por una verificación rigurosa de relevancia y calidad. Puedes acceder a información detallada, incluyendo rates disponibles, bonos de inicio, características económicas y contenido ofrecido, además de valoraciones y opiniones de otros jugadores.
Entendemos la importancia de elegir el servidor adecuado para disfrutar al máximo del juego. Nuestra misión es proporcionarte solo los proyectos más confiables y actualizados. Añade nuestro sitio a tus favoritos para mantenerte informado sobre nuevos anuncios, rankings y actualizaciones.
Únete a la comunidad de jugadores de Lineage 2, elige el servidor ideal y disfruta del juego con amigos. ¡TopServers200 es tu guía confiable en el mundo de Lineage 2!
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